Friday, March 9, 2012


I have wonderful neighbours. They are nice and friendly. Both are doctors at one of the city hospitals. They have a nice and smart 10 year old daughter. When we meet we have usually a nice chat.
The one thing which confuses me is my neighbours habit to leave their garbage or stuff they do not want in their apartment anymore - in the hallway. And than it stays there for days - if it is a garbage.

Or for weeks if it is some unwanted stuff. For example a small Xmas tree was in front of their door for days.
Recently Xmas tree got replaced by a some strange iron thing. Next to which there is usually a bag with garbage.

Boxes opposite to their door - are there for weeks.

To try to understand is my neighbours habits better I talked to my colleagues in the office. And I found out some of my colleagues have identical experience but with more impressive items stored in the hallway. Oksana  shared with me a photo of her hallway with a bathtub. Which stood there for weeks. After few months Oksana left a note on the board asking owners of a bathtub to either remove it - or she will ask someone to remove it. Few days after Oksana's note the bathtub was removed. But last week her lovely neighbours put on her stairway additional item. 

1 comment:

Neko4eien said...

unfortunately it is pretty common everywhere in ua