Sunday, February 14, 2010

Danger to the traffic

For long, long time I was not stopped by traffic police. Last Friday I was stopped twice.

First at 6.45 in the morning driving to the gym. It was still a bit dark, snowing and of course roads were not clean. At one traffic light a police car was standing next to my car. I actually did not notice it's a police car but I heard the horn. I looked at the car saw it's a police car and the policemen signaled me to switch on lights. I pull down the window and said “spasibo” which is thank you in Russian. The moment I said it, I saw the policeman was startled. He turned to his colleague and few seconds later motioned me to stop on the side of a road. Than it was my turn to be shocked. I was thinking they cannot pull me for thanking them to switch on the lights!
I handed a policeman my docs. He looked at them and asked me if I was drinking (!!!). I could not believe it – he thought I am drank because I said "thank you". He stopped me because I was polite!!!
I answered I drive to the gym. Seems such an answer cannot be provided by an alcoholic. The policeman returned doc’s. End of story. I drove on.

Even more startling police stop happened the same evening. I was returning home around 9 pm. It was snowing most of the day so streets were ugly porridge of slush and ice. And it continued snowing. I drove carefuly and slowly. At the crossroad close to my house I turned while it was still green. At the same time a car from opposite direction was also turning driving fast. I let it go. After the car passed I continued on. Than the police stopped me. The first thigh a policeman said to me was “A pochemu vi hooliganyte” or in translation “why you behave as a hooligan?” I asked him for an explanation and he told me I drove through red. I was adamant I passed through the green light on what policeman answered: “Yes, probably it was green when you entered the crossroad but you are driving so slow that when you turned it was red!” I lost it. I started shouting at him: “You stopped me because I drive carefully and slow but you had not stopped the car in front of me which drove fast? Are you telling me that driving carefully is a traffic violation? I shouted and screamed in my broken Russian. When I told him that I hardly wait to sign a protocol (a document police write on a spot for a traffic violation and which has to be signed by a driver) in which he will put that I am dangerous on the road because I drive slow he returned docs to me. When returning docs he asked ”Why are you upset? Why are you shouting” I wanted to tell him because I never heard such an absurd statement that driving carefully is a danger to the traffic. But I doubted he would understand it. So I told him “Because I am highly emotional woman”. That he is an extreme idiot I kept for myself.

How bad roads in Kiev are see at:


gam8le said...

Gordie Gordie, they just wanted a bribe. At least in Uganda that is usually the final request.

Gordie said...

Hi Frank, your comment makes me feel better as it means I live in (slightly) less corrupt country. If I indeed made a traffic violation there would be a bit more extensive “fee negotiation”. And I am actually not so sure a first policeman stopped me because he wanted to get money. Maybe I am naïve but I still have an impression he was shocked by politeness. The second police stop is “suspicious”. However, as I started to shout and I clearly stated I am ready to spend time for a policeman to write “a protocol” he lost interest as that means he has to spend some time writing a document while in the meantime he can stop another “victim”. IT's all economics.
Have you and Heather packed everything? You must be excited to go back to PNG :-)

Unknown said...

You denied the policeman his daily wages Gordie!! How cruel of you :P
The roads are quite frozen. Isn't it a public hazard?

Gordie said...

Indeed how cruel of me denying a poor policeman his daily wage. And he is doing such a hard work of keeping dangerous drivers off icy roads of Kiev.
The roads are truly a hazard. Allegedly the entire city of Kiev (population 4 million) has only 16 snow plow machines. Most of machines were sold last summer by municipality as budget was tight. In addition (also according to rumors) – the municipality made a decision last summer to fire 2/3 of street cleaners. So there is no one to clean the roads from snow and ice. It’s unbelievable. There are so many broken limbs that hospitals are full. The doctors in hospitals write on diagnosis “Broken by Chernovetsky (the mayor)”.